Alright, alright!!

cos-mo-post-al-an [koz-muh-postal-en]: adjective/noun
1. a person
who belongs to all the world; not limited to just one part of the world; can make their home anywhere in the world.
2. a person who believes fully that postage stamps and mail connect the world, regardless of where, from or to, they go.
3. the joyful experience of knowing you're a local because your mail made it to its destination

The postage stamp is truly wonderful. It can travel the world, experience the lives of a million different people, go through the doors of strangers; and never once lose sight of where it's headed.
Welcome to the land of cosmopostalan : travel, mail and words. It's a crazy little place in my corner of the woods; wherever that may be!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Mail and Typewriters

I received two beautiful presents from my mother this week, both which I would like to share because they are so gorgeous.

First is a pendant of a beautiful typewriter. And -- the carriage moves.

The second is a United States Postal Service recognition pin, given to Postal employees who went above and beyond the call of duty. I love it.

Aren't they gorgeous?
Gracias, mi madre!

Go "beyond the call of duty"--send some mail.
                   ~ Ms. Always Traveling


  1. Hey Riley, you have received a Leibster award from me! Click this like for details!

    1. Thanks, Shannah! I'm not sure if I fully understand how it works?
      ~ Ms. Always Traveling


Thank you for your lovely postal ponderings!
May today be a beautiful, full-of-mail kind-of day!
~ Ms. Always Traveling