Alright, alright!!

cos-mo-post-al-an [koz-muh-postal-en]: adjective/noun
1. a person
who belongs to all the world; not limited to just one part of the world; can make their home anywhere in the world.
2. a person who believes fully that postage stamps and mail connect the world, regardless of where, from or to, they go.
3. the joyful experience of knowing you're a local because your mail made it to its destination

The postage stamp is truly wonderful. It can travel the world, experience the lives of a million different people, go through the doors of strangers; and never once lose sight of where it's headed.
Welcome to the land of cosmopostalan : travel, mail and words. It's a crazy little place in my corner of the woods; wherever that may be!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Those Items.

Wow, it's been quite a while. Things have been--as per usual--absolute craziness for me, so I haven't had a lot of opportunities to post! My apologies! To make up for it, I'm going to post twice today!

Post The First. | Those Items.
We all have those go-to items that we repeatedly use for letter-writing. While the pens and stationery may change, there are always some trustworthy solid pieces that stay by our side.

 For me, the stationery of choice changes with every letter I send. But I found this cute "Stenographer Notebook" and I've been using it MUCH of late.

Simple lines, and a flip pad. Excellence.

I also keep my trusty Rooster Box on hand--it houses the "sprinkles" that I pop into my letters. Cut outs of music notes, colourful circles, etc.

And then there is the simple pen. I use more than just this one pen, but I am enjoying purple right now.

And my letter opener (one of three), complete with a little bit of washi-tape stickiness on the side there.

Gotta love those "go-to's"!

~ Ms. Always Traveling

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Thank you for your lovely postal ponderings!
May today be a beautiful, full-of-mail kind-of day!
~ Ms. Always Traveling