Alright, alright!!

cos-mo-post-al-an [koz-muh-postal-en]: adjective/noun
1. a person
who belongs to all the world; not limited to just one part of the world; can make their home anywhere in the world.
2. a person who believes fully that postage stamps and mail connect the world, regardless of where, from or to, they go.
3. the joyful experience of knowing you're a local because your mail made it to its destination

The postage stamp is truly wonderful. It can travel the world, experience the lives of a million different people, go through the doors of strangers; and never once lose sight of where it's headed.
Welcome to the land of cosmopostalan : travel, mail and words. It's a crazy little place in my corner of the woods; wherever that may be!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Destination: THE FUTURE, Anywhere&Everywhere

Destination: THE FUTURE, Anywhere&Everywhere.

A listmaker is "one who makes lists of various anythings in order to keep track of their future plans"...right? So what does that make "one who makes list of various everythings in order to keep track of their future plans, desired meals, postage correspondents and 'Fruits Tried Thus Far'"?


I don't plan to write a whole lot today, but I do hope to make a point. My point being that of a bullet-point on the large list that is life. And by that I mean--yes--a list of some sort; or maybe nine lists of some sorts.
I'm not wholly sure as to what it is that makes listmaking such a pleasureable hobby. Surely it isn't what goes ON the list, because more often that not one makes a list to keep track of undesirable commitments in an attempt to make them pass by faster. A lot of the time, lists are used to make mundane things ALL. THE. MORE. MUNDANE.
Take for example, grocery lists. They seem to be quite delirious figments of the imagination, as one never follows what sits upon a grocery list. It is always merely an outline, a "skeleton" if you will, of the things they know they must buy and can't bear themselves to forget. Forget the "toilet paper", "milk--2%", "rye and wheat" and "bikkies"; I'd like to offer my kudos to an individual who adorns their grocery list with such items and assignments as: "extra sweet maple pancake-mix-in-a-bottle", "fourteen unripe Granny Smith's", "shake the hand of the cashier", "a box of choccies for Spencer", "nutricious dog treats for Spencer" and "walk aimlessly in aisle nine in attempt to catch the eye of the box-kid". At least if that list got dropped out of a pocket, you'd be able to narrow it down to a few people from the various characters standing in the aisle in front of you. For one thing, it certainly wouldn't be the grandmother with the cat in her purse--obviously not a dog lady, or the college kid with the thick, "all-the-rage" glasses--he's more focused on the various deoderants and cheap perfums that line the hygiene aisle than apples; and it certainly wouldn't be the box-kid.
The likelihood of following a grocery list is very, very low. One writes their common needs on a grocery list, not their life story. Unless "eggs" and "shampoo" are motifs for "the joy of birth" and "'Won't you have a drink, Sire?'", it seems that other, more creative, lists are required in our society.

And then there is the ordinariness of "To-Do Lists". We all have them, and I can guarantee you that every person I've made eye-contact with today either has one in their back pocket, on their crowded desk, or on the forefront of their mind. It's just the way it is. "To-Do lists", however, also aren't too inspiring. We all tend to write "To-Do lists" as a means to keep track of the things we need to get done--things that add up in to a suffocating mess and glare at us with looming eyes, saying "Imma squish you if you ain't careful."
I'd like to separate "To-Do Lists", as in those which we write to keep track of the things we HAVE to do before a certain deadline, from "To-Do" Lists, as in those lists which we write to keep track of the things we WANT to do; the dreams and experiences we want to acheive before a certain time.

So it is with great excitement that I digress into my personal "To-Do" List for this blog. In the next six months, I aim to achieve, experience and write about the global ventures that I undertake. Although I do love "To-Do" lists, I feel that for this particular undertaking, I don't need to create a set bunch of things that I want to experience, because that will probably only limit what I feel I want to do (which is quite ironically the opposite of grocery lists). I look forward to seeing, finding and documenting anything and everything that strikes me as being interesting, freaky, complete hilarious, beautiful, organic, genuine and documentable.

But whilst I document my experiences, I don't want to lose sight of the perfect beauty of  solidly written "To-Do" Lists and their equally solid ability to be undertaken.
For that reason, I feel it necessary to end with a list.

  1. Do not write a list of things that are necessary to be completed by a timeline. Live with the journey as a method of measuring time itself.
  2. Write a few lines of information that may, or may not, be read by someone else other than myself.
  3. Buy some postage stamps--whichever they may be (I'm still finding it hard to decide!!).
  4. Bring a few words of wonder to the wide land of the internet...
  5. ...and keep track of how many letters I've written today...and how many have yet to be written.
Time for a list?

Keeping track,
                       ~Ms. Always Travelling

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Thank you for your lovely postal ponderings!
May today be a beautiful, full-of-mail kind-of day!
~ Ms. Always Traveling