Alright, alright!!

cos-mo-post-al-an [koz-muh-postal-en]: adjective/noun
1. a person
who belongs to all the world; not limited to just one part of the world; can make their home anywhere in the world.
2. a person who believes fully that postage stamps and mail connect the world, regardless of where, from or to, they go.
3. the joyful experience of knowing you're a local because your mail made it to its destination

The postage stamp is truly wonderful. It can travel the world, experience the lives of a million different people, go through the doors of strangers; and never once lose sight of where it's headed.
Welcome to the land of cosmopostalan : travel, mail and words. It's a crazy little place in my corner of the woods; wherever that may be!

Friday, August 16, 2013

a hiatus

Hello Cosmopostalan readers!
This is a long overdue post; I'm sorry about that.
I am currently travelling and have been for the past month, and these next months are going to be insanity.
I cannot guarantee that my posting schedule will be reliable, but I will try to post when I can.

Consider this a temporary Cosmopostalan hiatus.
I look forward to "reconnecting" on the flipside.

Thanks for reading--

Ms. Always Travelling